This is a question I can answer, and will enjoy answering; although I may bore you all so I will apologise in advance :D
My boyfriend makes me happy, constantly. He is the most wonderful human being I could have ever wished to meet. He cares about me, he worries about me, he takes an interest in me and he makes me feel loved everyday. It is impossible for me to feel down when i'm with him and if something is upsetting me he won't rest until it's fixed. We've shared so many happy times and been on so many adventures, but we are just as happy snuggling up watching TV or talking. I feel so lucky to have found my soulmate already :)
Although I have two cats, and feel terrible for only writing about one of them, the other one doesn't make me happy, sorry! My cat Fliss makes me feel as though she loves me too, she is always looking for cuddles which is my favourite thing about her. I live with just my Mum and Step Dad who both work full time, my Mum is out most evenings for her other job which is her own business so she needs to make the money and my Step Dad is out a lot which doesn't bother me as much as I don't generally get on with him anyway. So, as sad as it sounds and with the risk of sounding like a crazy cat lady, most of the time my kitty is my only company, and it really does make me feel a lot less lonely when she comes to me for a snuggle. It also helps that she's absolutely gorgeous and has the cutest face, even if she is fat, hehe :D
I am almost certain that I have Seasonal Affective Disorder and when the excitement of Christmas and New Year has passed I desperately want Winter to go away and wish I could hibernate. There is such a difference in my personality when the sun is shining, (which luckily it is at the moment!!) I'm a much nicer and more energetic person. Plus I love wearing sunglasses :D
I love to drive my beautiful car, she's getting on a bit now but I don't care. I love having my music blasting, the windows down, the sun shining, my sunnies on and driving down some beautifully green country lanes with nobody else on the road. The area I live in is very green and looks beautiful in the sun, and matches my car of course!! She's also my escape route; if I have an argument or something and need to get away I can just drive her to somewhere beautiful and get out of the situation. It's wonderful :)
We live so far away from all our other family, which means on special occasions like birthdays and christmas we all make a special effort to travel to each other. These times make me really happy; being around people I love, and being around lots of people because I don't get that very often. It makes me feel content :)
This is such an old picture, it's the only one I could find of all of us. |
Thanks for reading!! xxx