Thursday, 14 July 2011

The decorator

An interesting little story I was given in my Body Shop make up training...

If you were having the decorator in to emulsion your lounge walls and he came in and took the lid off his paint, dipped his hand in and put the paint on the walls with his fingers, you'd think he was slightly mad and would want him out of the house quickly.

If the decorator came along and used a huge sponge to paint the walls, he'd get a nice finish but he would use five tins of paint.

If the decorator came along and used a brush to paint the walls, he'd get a nice finish and only use the one tin of paint that the job required.

Therefore, if we use our fingers to put our foundation on, they are warm and so is our face so the product will start to dry and not spread very easily and we are not going to get a good result. Then we wash our hands and most of the foundation goes straight down the plug hole.

If we use a make-up sponge to put foundation on, we are going to get a better finish even though we wipe off nearly as much as we put on. However we then come to wash the sponge and again a lot goes down the plug hole but also a lot stays in the sponge which is wasteful and a bringing ground for germs.

(The point is, we should use a brush to put our foundation on)


I found this really interesting as I used to use a brush and have since got into the habit of just using my hand, the decorator story makes you realise how obvious it is that you should use a brush. I personally don't use brushes from the Body Shop, only because my Grandma bought me a set from Arbonne and I don't really need more than one of each. But I have them in my kit and have used them and they're great, definitely recommend them!


Another little bit of advice they gave me:
When doing a facial, pat the eye cream on with your ring or little finger. Firstly, these two digits are our weakest fingers and so are gentle around the eye area. The reason we pat is because we don't want to drag the delicate skin by rubbing the cream in and the other advantage is that we have natural drainage all around our socket bone, so if we pat it encourages any fluid build up to drain away naturally which is a great tip for the morning after. We also have natural drainage around our jaw line.

Thanks for reading!! xxx

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