Monday, 4 April 2011


If I was an organised person I would have a few posts on reserve for days like today so that I had something to blog. Unfortunately, I am in no way an organised person and so since I am not feeling up to doing a proper blog post, I thought I would have a little moan instead :)

Today was really poo, I started to get some really severe stomach pains in my English lesson that kept coming and going and eventually got so bad I had to be excused. Luckily, I texted Chris and he left his lesson so he could take me home as I really wasn't feeling up to driving. By the time I got home I was in so much pain I couldn't stop crying, then to top it off I started to get some sickness as well, poor me!! :(
This is so random and I've never had it before, I had no idea what it is, a lot of people have been suggesting food poisoning but I can't think of anything I've eaten that could have caused it :/. I rang the doctors but they are so unhelpful, they make you feel like you're wasting their time and unless you're on your deathbed, they really couldn't care less.

Luckily it's eased off enough for me to write this blog post (aren't you lucky?!) and i've managed to catch up on all the blogs I follow from over the weekend which cheered me up a bit :)

But I do still need sympathy because my Mumma is out, Chris had to go home and i'm all aloney on my owny and to top it off my cat has just brought a baby rabbit in. Yes, that's right, a RABBIT. How on earth he managed to catch it I have no idea, I can deal with mice but not rabbits. I had to watch him kill it too because he wouldn't let it go. It's so cute, it really upsets me when he brings things in but I suppose cats will be cats :(.

Ill people shouldn't have to deal with these things! Sympathy please!! xxx

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